Assalaam Aleikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh. We greet you all in the Name of The Almighty Allah. May peace and blessings be bestowed to the noble Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It’s the mercy and grace of Allah for the existence of our beloved School ZamZam Islamic Nursery and Primary School. It’s a great honour at this material time to extend our sincere thanks to all stake holders in different aspects for their endless efforts rendered to the school. Allow us use this website platform to communicate to you all our dear ones.
Good news to you all that our “Mighty School” has come up with a website this year 2022. Its link is www.zamzamislamic.com . Please spread the news to everyone in this world since we are discussing about an International School.
ZamZam Islamic Nursery and Primary School has a Mission, Vision, Motto, Values and Objectives.
(i) School Vision
– To build a future with highly qualified Muslim populace and with a strongly informed background with the Islamic theology.
(ii) School Mission
– To produce a morally, academically, strong and self motivated citizen through dual curriculum.
(iii) School Motto
– Education the Future.
The “Mighty School” officially opened in February,2004 with the aim of teaching both theology and secular syllabi to the future Muslim populace.” ZamZam you are 18 years old now, long live our mentor.
We have had a team of devoted, committed, knowledgeable and experienced School Management Committee (SMC) / Board of Governors under different periods below.
2004 – 2019
- Murshid Buwembo Principal Director – Member of Board and Incharge of Finance and development)
- Hajji Mahmood Sewankambo (Chairperson Board of Governors)
- Mujuzi Abdul Hakim (Member of Board incharge of Academics and Co-curricular activities)
- Kasujja Ahmed (Member of Board incharge of Discipline and self help)
2019 – 2021
Murshid Buwembo (Principal Director – Member of Board and Incharge of Finance and development)
- Mahmood Sewankambo (Chairperson Board of Governors)
- Kasujja Ahmed (Member of Board incharge of Discipline and self help)
- Kagimu Mustafa ( Project Co-ordinator)
- Hajj Nooh Ntumwa (2020-2021 – Member of Board incharge of Academics and Cocurricular activities)
2022 – Date
1. Shk. Murshid Buwembo (Principal Director – Member of Board and Incharge of Finance and development)
2. Hajji. Mahmood Sewankambo (Chairperson Board of Governors)
3. Mr. Kasujja Ahmed (In charge of Disciplinary Committee)
4. Mr. Kagimu Mustafa (Project Co-ordinator)
5. Mr. Musisi Tom Kasibante (Member of Board in charge of Academics and Co-curricular activities and general supervision).
Amicably, allow us drive your attention to these three strong men who have so far served as head teachers of our school since its existence.
1. Hajji. Matovu Abdul (From 2000 to 2010)
2. Mr. Kivumbi Badru Sultan (from 2011 to 2021)
3. Mr. Wafula Mudasiru (From 2021 to date)
Indeed great thanks go to pioneer teachers of 2004 for their endurance and patience while laying a future firm foundation of ZamZam Islamic Nursery and Primary School.
This message will be of no value if 1 pen down this point without listing the above heroes and heroines.
“The pioneer teachers”.
- Matovu Abdul (Head teacher)
- Kibiringe Abbey (Director of Studies Secular)
- Dauda Bukenya (Director of Studies theology)
- Nakitende Leilah
- Nalubwama Eron (Head of Nursery section / still with us) 6) Ms. Nabukeera Sarah.
- Ojok Richard
- Baramaze Salimani
- Kabenge Muhammad (May his Soul rest in peace, Rahamaha Allah)
- Saidi Kakeeto
- Askar Burhan Alindru (Head of security personnel / still with us)

“Cleaning a cemented floor is more easier than cleaning a dusty one” you really handed over to us the cemented ZamZam Islamic School, you are of great honour.
Not forgetting the pioneer parent like ‘Hajji Nurudin Nkata who entrusted us with four children when ZamZam was one day old and the pioneer children of Zamzam 2004 to mention but a few are ;Hudah Nkata ,Nakafeero Sharifa, Namujju Zainab, Serunjoji Fauziat and Ssozi
Mahmood (are couples now in Dubai), Bukenya Ibrahim, Waliggo Fahad, Tusiime Hellen Eunice,Ssemanda Musa, Rwegaba Abdul Hakim Ssekaana(Kibwaana), Ssanyu Zainab, Onji Musa,Nambooze Shakira, Kusiima Lisa, Bangirana Aisha, Buyondo Fahad, Apangu (Counsel now), Nakacwa Khadija, Nagujja Shadia. e.t.c
Great thanks to the school Administration for all endeavors
aiming at the school’s excellence.
Yes people say that we are at greater heights, However, are
we also sure that we are at the highest peak? For sure the academic performance
for the school can answer the question.
YEAR | DIV1 | DIV 2 | DIV 3 | TOTAL |
2006 | 25 | 11 | 0 | 36 |
2007 | 29 | 8 | 0 | 37 |
2012 | 69 | 30 | 2 | 101 |
2014 | 65 | 40 | 1 | 106 |
2016 | 70 | 20 | 0 | 90 |
2020 | 70 | 29 | 0 | 99 |
2016 | 6 |
2018 | 22 |
2019 | 30 |
Currently, the school administrators include:-
1. Mr. Wafula Mudasiru (Head teacher)
2. Mr. Okoche Swaibu (Deputy head teacher Academics)
3. Ms. Nakayiza Hamida (Accounts officer)
4. Shk. Wamala Abubakar (Director of studies theology)
5. Shk. Hahsim Ramadhan Mulindwa (Head of Wardens)
Dear colleagues, thanks for transforming our staff into a hardworking and committed team. With your un conditional and tireless efforts, ZamZam Islamic Nursery and Primary School will remain shining forever and ever.

Dear esteemed parents and other stake holders, you are the hidden reason for the continuous development and greater increase in numbers of children at school.
As the UNATU (TEACHERS’) motto says “Because we are, the nation is”, therefore, “because you are (parents), Zamzam is”.Indeed you have showed us love by entrusting us with your children in bigger numbers. We know it has been and still a hard situation due to current economic inflation, but we are very sure that Allah is making wonders financially to boost the education of your children by paying the school dues. This message intends to inform you that we have opened up a website, please keep checking on us. We love you all.
Our committed and hardworking staff, you have worked tirelessly to defend our staff slogan “Team work”
“You can’t imagine how much we are achieving when we work as a team without minding of who will take the credit at the end, and you can’t imagine how much we would lose if we thought of who would take the credit at the end”.
Just imagine the time of celebrations we always make after achieving as a team.
My fellow teachers its post Covid – 19 now, our children have stayed home for long, I argue you to continue with the hybrid technique to allow our pupils recover the lost work of previous classes.

Finally, it was planned to end with you our beloved “sweet hearts”, the children. You play a big role of convincing your parents that Zamzam is the right place for you in the way you exhibit your behavior and academic competences while at home.
We regret for that greater academic loss you went through during the Covid-19 pandemic. But remember you are the main reason for our existence and the school in particular, we therefore pledge and promise that we shall work hard to gap up the lost concepts Insha’Allah.
Long live ZamZam Islamic Nursery and Primary School.
For God and my country.
Assalam Alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh.